Tuesday, 11 June 2024

UTSC Open Day and an unexpected Rescue

 ​Getting Ready for Open Day

Before the Open Day could happen, many other things had to happen. The Cakes had to be made—Paul's Vanilla Slice and Rock Cakes. On the Day, there was much to do, including setting up tables, getting boats ready, and deploying the 3 safety boats. Signage had to be put up ready for the visitors.

Getting on the water

The Sailing Cadets were also present at the Open Day, taking out friends in the RS Zests and RS Feva XL's. They made a great sight of the club boats out on the water.

The A-Rater Shuttle Service

​The A-Raters are not only some of the most beautiful dinghies on the Thames; they are also among the fastest. Visitors eagerly signed up for their turn, and the Raters were busy all day, taking passengers on 20-minute cruises up and down the river. One of the first trips I witnessed involved several six-year-olds setting off in Spindrift early in the morning. They loved every second of the experience, and their excitement was palpable as they jumped for joy upon returning to the Thames Path.

Adventures in a Safety Boat

​Sometimes, the adventures on the water are more thrilling than any action movie. Take, for instance, the escapade involving two RS Feva XLs, a couple of young sailors, and a determined safety boat helm - Paul. Two RS Feva XLs managed to get stuck on the opposite bank, quite a distance from the sailing club. The situation escalated when one of the boats capsized, tossing two young girls into the water. As fate would have it, Paul was wrapping up his safety boat duties when he noticed the commotion and decided to lend a hand.

Paul's arrival was a sight for sore eyes. With the precision of a seasoned rescuer, he plucked the girls from the chilly waters and helped them back into their righted boat. Mission accomplished, or so it seemed.

Just as Paul prepared to return, his motor decided it was time for a dramatic twist—it refused to start. Stranded, Paul found himself in need of rescue. Luckily, one of the other safety boats swooped in, towing Paul and his stubborn motor back to the jetty.

Tied to the jetty, Paul inspected the cause of the malfunction. Lifting the engine out of the water, he discovered a large sheet of plastic wrapped tightly around the propeller. With the deftness of a sailor used to unexpected challenges, Paul whipped out his trusty penknife and set to work. A few minutes later, the plastic was gone, and Paul, ever the dedicated Safety Boat Helm, was back on the water.

In the world of sailing, even the rescuers sometimes need rescuing. But with a bit of teamwork and a lot of determination, every challenge is just another wave to ride.

Busy Day

The Open Day was busy. Many of the Members were sorting out the Tea by the Thames—the Vanilla Slice went within minutes ( we will do two or three next time)—while others manned the desk, signing up for the rides in the boats or handing out life jackets and ensuring they fitted well. There was a constant stream of visitors.

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